Data Migrations

Data Is the Core of Your Business

An evolving, ever-growing core that requires effective and ongoing management. When your business growth results in the need for secure data migrations, Propellint is here for you. We help optimize your data management by guiding you through the complex process, from initial planning and analysis to migration execution.

What Is Data Migration?

Data migration is the selection, removal, and transferring of important business information from one storage system to another, without sacrificing data quality or security. Companies may initiate a migration to:

  • Consolidate data as the business grows, merging multiple servers or databases into one system
  • Upgrade outdated systems for enhanced performance, storage capacities, and/or compatibility
  • Meet regulatory compliance laws that require data to be hosted on specific platforms
  • Increase accessibility by migrating data to cloud-based locations for hybrid or remote staff
  • Retire legacy/outdated technologies and avoid potential data loss due to system failures

The Value of Effective Data Migrations

Data migration is a crucial task for any business, and fortunately comes with many added benefits.

Enhanced Data Security

Technology is vulnerable to security breaches, outdated technology even more so. Migrating to an up-to-date system helps protect your business by closing security gaps and reducing the risk of cyberattacks.

Increased Cost Savings

Running on outdated servers is costing your business money and puts you at risk of a costly data disruption should those servers fail. Migrating data to an up-to-date system saves not only time but also costs related to overhead, constant updates, and scaling.

On-Demand Scalability

It can be difficult for businesses to grow when operating with limited infrastructure. With Propellint’s help, you can migrate data to a more efficient system that scales along with your company over time.

Greater Efficiency

As a business owner, you don’t have time to troubleshoot old systems. Data migration allows you to focus on important business matters while knowing valuable information is secure.

Improved Compliance

Data security and compliance is critical for any business. Our team guides you through the process to make sure your data adheres to all regulatory compliance requirements with multi-layer security defenses.


Why Choose Propellint?

At Propellint, we understand the concerns you may have regarding the safety of your data. You want – and need – to know your critical data is properly migrated, balanced, and reconciled, and that’s where our staff comes in. We bring a wealth of experience in data migrations, having expertly completed hundreds of projects utilizing all the main systems. We know the technology inside and out, allowing us to easily put processes in place and ensure a smooth transition with minimal disruption to your daily operations. Best of all, we’re able to achieve this faster and more cost-effectively than most.

Projected Data Migration Timelines

We know time equals money, which is why we work efficiently to complete your migrations without sacrificing quality. Timeframes are determined per project and may take as little as 30 days or as long as a full year.