Comprehensive 360 Business Review

Solving Problems So Your Company Thrives

No matter the project, no matter the need, your job begins with a comprehensive 360⁰ business review with Propellint. We’re here to find and solve the problem so your company thrives.

What to Expect during Your Review

When it comes to understanding your business, Propellint gets to know you from the ground up. Your project starts with a virtual or on-site evaluation, during which time one of our senior solution architects sits with your staff for thorough interviews, watches daily processes, and learns the ins and outs of a “day in the life” of your company.

Throughout the Review

Throughout the review, your architect identifies opportunities for improvement and enhancement, shows tips and tricks to properly adjust workflows, and allows your staff the opportunity to ask questions of the experts. We’re happy to organize special sessions around specific topics, meet with entire departments or individual employees, and more to make sure your team receives the attention necessary for a detailed review.

Flexible Scheduling

360⁰ reviews take, on average, a full business day, but we can be flexible to your schedule and working hours as required. You may also opt to have your architect work directly with the IT staff to examine your overall ecosystem, such as servers and technical environment, to determine what needs to be addressed. This interview may be completed in a matter of hours versus a full day of in-depth interviews.

After Your Review

Upon completion of your business review, we build a comprehensive report on our findings and highlight immediate key takeaways to put efficiencies back into your business. Your report also includes ways we can help, should you choose to move forward with Propellint. This report is typically available within a week of your virtual or on-site visit.